Monday, May 9, 2011

Portrait - 8 page comic finally scanned!


I'm actually a little nervous about posting this-- it may not be as entertaining as you might expect, but please know that this took many hours and I'm pretty proud of it anyway. Sorry if these images are too big, I decided to keep them high res.

These are all traditionally penciled and inked on 8"x13" Bristol. The assignment was to go to the RISD museum, chose a piece, and write a semi-fictional piece about it and turn it into an 8 page comic.

I present to you, Portrait! Let me know what you think!

(So you know: Louis Anquetin, as far as I know, never stole anything. That, and my character is fictitious.)


  1. I want to know what happens next!!! *^*

  2. THIS I ENJOY it's so clean and nice wtf

    I'm really into his upset expressions on 5 and 7. and also FRENCH CAFES I LOVE I LOVE
